Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gym Bullies: American Society Increasingly Self-absorbed And Inconsiderate

Okay, now the bullies have made me really mad. I am still hot over this one since it happened just this afternoon. So, today I finally get to the gym. There were very few people today. The "resolutionaries" are dropping off fast. I'm on the elyptical machine, no one else around me, 31 minutes into my workout when I start to struggle with my body which wants to call it quits. I successfully talked it into continuing to 45 minutes.

Excited that this was going to be the best workout I've have had in 3 months, I peddled away straining to read the subtitles of the soap opera (not my choice, but it was already on) being broadcast on the TV in my area. All the other TVs were showing sports and news. I hate sports programs and I had seen all of the day's news repeated 5 times over as I had watched the latest on our treacherous California storms all morning. All of a sudden, the TV screen went blank. Someone had asked the staff to change my program!

Shocked and pissed all at the the same time, I looked to my left with a huff of disgust, and there he was, the jerk who changed my channel! I looked to the right at the staff behind the counter; the criminal staff member who changed my channel was completely oblivious to my glare.

Then, as the creep's sports program came on, he jumped up and down, clapped, and yelled, "Yes!" I looked to my right. There was an available elyptical machine right there with a TV screen directly over it showing the same exact program the jerk changed my program to! I couldn't believe it! 3 out of the 5 TVs were now showing the same sports program!

Disgusted, I grabbed my things and went to complain to the deviant staff member who changed the channel without any regard for the fact that I was obviously staring at the screen being that I had no headphones and had to strain to keep up with the dialogue flying across the screen.

Needless to say, my workout and my good mood were ruined. This is not the first nor the second time this has happened to me at the same Fitness 19 gym. I notice that men are usually the biggest offenders! Is this a gender thing? I have never, and would never, walk into a gym and before arriving to my machine, ask the front desk to change the channel of a program that someone else is clearly watching. What do you think? Has this happened to you? What would you do? Am I in the wrong here?

Now that I am writing this, I don't know why I didn't complain to the creep who was so inconsiderate to change my channel. I was very angry and preferred to avoid confronting him, so I went to complain to the staff and will complain to the manager tomorrow when I see her. Clearly, Fitness 19 needs to enforce it's TV policy, but it is also clear that our society is increasingly self-absorbed and blatantly inconsiderate of others.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Study Says Tattoos Linked To Trouble

Hard to believe a study was needed to figure this one out. Researchers now conclude that people who have tattoos are 8 times more likely to commit a crime. Doesn't everyone know that to get a tattoo in the first place, one must be a bit on the wild side? No Duh!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Moms Against Texting: Focus Driven

For some reason, in this country laws and risk of serious injury and death are not enough to get people to stop doing dangerous things especially while driving. A national campaign has been launched called Focus Driven. It was started by mom's who have lost children and even parents thanks to drivers who were distracted at the wheel by either talking on their cell phones or worse, texting. According to the national safety commission, 28% of auto accidents are now due to cell phone use. Clearly, the laws and penalties need to be much greater in order for people to just drive while driving.

Friday, January 15, 2010

KGO Radio Dealt With The Topic Of Sexting Today

Thanks Gil for bringing to the forefront the very serious problem of Sexting. I knew that the numbers were high, but Gil reported today that 20% on children are Sexting and 36% of young women are Sexting! These are shocking numbers.

I quickly grabbed the phone to dial in. I have never called a radio show before. It was an interesting experience. I was asked what I had to say. Caught off guard, I fumbled with my words and the woman told me to hold on. I waited through numerous commercial breaks only to hear Gil, the announcer, state that the show had ended. The topic clearly hit a nerve with the public and I hope he will touch on the topic again.

There were numerous thoughts and opinions that I would like to comment on, but will break them down into separate posts in the interest of time and organization.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

N.J. Mom Charged After School Refuses To Take Action Against Bully

I was stunned to see the report this evening. A New Jersey Mom was charged with verbally assaulting the school Superintendent in a meeting after his school administrators failed to take action on against a boy who pulled down the woman's 13 year old daughter's pants.

I have to say, bullies at my children's middle school have been known to pull other boys' pants down in the hallways. This behavior usually results in the bully being suspended. Small punishment for such a humiliating act, but it is better than nothing.

One comment I read on the blog,, infuriated me. A dude commented that this was just a case of kids being kids. I beg to differ. If someone pulled his pants down at work, at a football game, at the movies, would he not call the police? Would he not report the incident as assault? Would he not press charges? And let's remember that the victim here was a 13 year old girl.

The dude also commented that pulling down the girls pants was not a crime, but a prank. Excuse me?!!! Pulling down some one's pants is assault! What planet does this guy live on? I pray he never has children. Pulling down some one's pants serves no other purpose than to humiliate the victim. That is bullying and bullying is a crime. Finally, there are anti-bullying laws on the books. So, parents and victims do have legal recourse.

N.J. mom and her daughter should definitely press charges against the bully and sue the school district. Unfortunately, legal action is the only way to get the attention of school officials who fail to take disciplinary action against school bullies. I do hope that this case gets lots of national coverage and attention. The only way to stop the bullying in our schools is to speak out against it.

Religious Bullies: Reverend Pat Roberts Bullies Devastated Haití On The Air

Religious leaders have bullied the masses since the beginning of time to manipulate and control the actions and money of those they lead. Being that we are now living in the 21st century however, I was shocked to see and hear Reverend Pat Roberts berate devastated Haití on the air yesterday. His words and actions are not only shameful, but sinful.

The national and international backlash from these disparaging comments has been swift and harsh. Mr. Roberts needs to apologize to Haitians and to the entire world for his words of condemnation. Haitians did not make a pact with the devil in order to be free of France as Mr. Roberts alleged. Did the United States make a pact with the Devil to free herself from England? I think not!

Bad things do not happen because we humans are being punished by God or a higher power. Natural disasters are part and parcel of the physical planet we live on. Colossal natural disasters have happened throughout history even before man came to inhabit the earth. So, Mr. Roberts, you are dead wrong. The Haitians did not bring this terrible tragedy onto themselves. The very notion is preposterous and sinful.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bullying In The NFL

I was appalled at Oakland Raider's Coach Tom Cable's behavior in 2009, punching his assistant coach in the face! Outrageous! However, I was down right disgusted that Mr. Davis did not fire his butt on the spot! What's that all about??!!

Later, a couple of women who were involved with Cable came forward to say that he physically abused them. But, no!! That wasn't enough for Mr. Davis, the owner of the Oakland Raiders to fire this NFL bully. This week Mr. Davis is finally considering firing Tom Cable based on his 5 and 11 losing record for the season. Outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year one and all. I am back after a short break thanks to the economy. I learned a lot working as a junior college professor teaching Spanish, but I am glad to be able to focus on what I am passionate about in 2010. Unfortunately, bullying did not take a break as I did. I have a lot to comment on as a result.

Hopefully, this year will bring us all closer to our individual and collective goals. As you may have guessed one of my individual goals is to put a stop to bullying. As I cannot do it alone, I am banking on the collective efforts of others out there who also want to put an end to bullying. So, let's make 2010 a productive year on all fronts!