Saturday, December 6, 2008

Study Shows Technolgy Robbed Family Of Social Skills

I believe I saw this on Good Morning America this morning. They conducted a study of two families. One family was plugged-in to the web 24/7, the other family had a wall mounted, old-fashioned telephone and electric typewriters. The swap took place over the course of one week.
To make a long story short, the high-tech family was absolutely crazy without their cell phones, computers, ipods, etc. Meanwhile, the other family did not even know how to turn on the laptops they were given. They said they missed the connection they had before the technology came into their home and could not wait to get rid of the gadgets and go outside and play. 

Sadly, the high tech family did not experience the closeness that the other family had sans gadgets. If I'm not mistaken, that would be because the technology has robbed them of the social skills necessary to form a strong family bond. They never had that bond in the first place thanks to the gadgets and multi-media exposure. One of the teenage daughters said that she was completely socially isolated during the week-long experiment. It is a sad testament to what our American society has become.

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